Calvary Baptist Church


Helping you trust Christ and take up your cross

Calvary Baptist Church

helping you trust Christ and take up your cross.

Recent Sermons

2 Thessalonians 2:13-15
Standing Firm in Difficult Times

Do you find the Scriptures to be welcoming? Or do you find them to be a continual warning? Those who really know the Lord welcome His Word and find welcome in His Word. Yes, it is true that God corrects His children (Hebrews 12:6-11). But afterward, this correction yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness in His sons. By contrast, those who not know the Lord find no welcome in His Word. For them, the Scriptures are full of strong warnings. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 present a study in contrasts. It begins with a welcoming appeal to believers . . .continue reading or listen to sermon.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
The Antichrist

What is this world coming to? When you read reports in the news or watch the evening news, you have to wonder. What is this world coming to? Disasters, destruction, depression and despair serve as the backdrop for the events on the world stage. Perhaps you have grown disenchanted with life itself. You might be looking on your life, your career, your marriage, your daily routine through the dark lens of despair. Our text today helps us to understand these events and these feelings. At the heart of this despair is deception. . . continue reading or listen to sermon.

Upcoming Events

May 19

Men’s Community Basketball League, 4 p.m.

May 20

HCS Graduation, 4 p.m.

(No 6 p.m. worship service)

May 23

HCS school out at noon

K4T Awards Night

May 26

Men’s Community Basketball League, 4 p.m.

May 27

Choir Rehearsal, 4:45 (final rehearsal before summer)

June 2

Men’s Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.

June 25-29

Junior Day Camp

Contact Information

2000 Broad Avenue

Findlay, OH 45840

Ph: 419.422.6842


Sunday Services

Morning Worship 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday Services

Adult Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.

Children’s Activities 7 p.m.

Teen Bible Study and Fellowship 7 p.m.

College and Career Bible Study 7 p.m.