G L I M P S E S of C A L V A R Y
A Root Out of Dry Ground
Isaiah 53:1-3
Who Has Believed Our Report?
Who would have believed it? Can we start with the words, “No way!”? “Not a chance!” “It isn’t going to happen!” (Or as some say, “Never happen, captain!) “There’s no path to success!” “Finished before He could even get started!”
So let’s start there. If you like an “underdog -- come from behind” story, then you’ve come to the right place. And it’s significant and relevant to our lives today. So if you’ve ever loved reading or watching a “rags to riches” story, you’re going to love this.
As A Root Out of Dry Ground
According to Isaiah 53:2, the prophesied One w ould grow up. He would grow up before God, but He wouldn’t appear to be anything great. You can see His poor prospects in the imagery of “as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground: He has no form nor comeliness (“splendor” or “majesty”). This sure looks like rags with no hope of riches. It appeared to be nothing more than a root in dry ground. So, “when we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.”
Serious Questions Raised
Isaiah presented the Messiah as a Son who would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). But for the moment, don’t just think about the miracle. Think of the questions that would have raised:
“Born of a virgin?! oh, sure,” you can hear the critics sneering. Even before He was born, this Son was slandered by gossip. After the Pharisees did a “background check,” they mocked Him with the words, “We were not born of fornication . . .” (John 8:41).
Oh, but it gets worse. . . [continue reading]
Christmas Eve Service
Join us as we celebrate Christmas on Sunday, December 24 at 6 p.m. with a candlelight service. This is special time where we draw our attention to the Word of God and the wonderful meaning of Christmas.
Men's Breakfast
Men, join us on Saturday, January 6 at 7:30 a.m. for good food and a refreshing time of fellowship.
Christmas Eve Gift Bags
Would you like to be a blessing to folks in our community who will be working late on Christmas Eve? We plan to distribute food gift bags to those working in local businesses. If you would like to donate packaged food or deliver a gift bag after the Christmas Eve service, please contact the church office. There is also a sign-up sheet at the welcome center.
CBC Youth Group
Snow Camp
The CBC youth group is headed to Camp CoBeAc Thursday - Saturday, January 26th-28th. The cost is $95, and final registration deadline is January 8, 2018. See Pastor Rod or Mr. Ken Lee for additional registration information.
Teen Info
Stay up to date with teen activities, devotional thoughts from Pastor Rod, and more at the CBC Teen website.