January 2018
This Sunday, Church Campus Projects, Thank you!, CBC Bookstore, Men's Breakfast, Upcoming Events, Holiday Sermon Series - "The Blessings of the Branch," A new hymn: "Immanuel, God Dwells with Men."
G L I M P S E S  of  C A L V A R Y 
This Sunday, December 31st
This Sunday, we will meet for our 9:30 a.m. morning service, followed by a New Year’s Eve Brunch with Singspiration and testimonies. (This will be the final service for the day.) Please plan to bring a breakfast or light lunch item and a testimony to share.
Church Campus
Please pray for our property committee as they work to improve our church properties. Recently, the HVAC units were replaced (above the nursery / bookstore area).  They have also asked a civil engineering firm to give us an estimate to properly grade the church property. Some of the recent flooding highlighted the importance of this study. The committee expects to receive the bid soon.
Thank you!
We received a sweet note from an employee who received a gift bag from us on Christmas Eve. This season was especially hard on her and she expressed how meaningful the gift was to her. Thank you to those who purchased food or delivered bags to local businesses. To God by the glory!

CBC Bookstore
This coming Sunday, December 31, the bookstore will be open at 9:00 a.m. and after the morning service. The Robert McCheyne Bible Reading 2018 schedule is available along with other Bibles and journals.

Men's Breakfast
The men's breakfast is always an encouraging time of fellowship - you won't want to miss it! In addition, the food is always delicious. Join us on Saturday, January 6th at 7:30 a.m.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, December 31 9:30 a.m. Worship Service followed by a brunch, singspiration, and testimonies. (No SS or 6 p.m. service).
Monday, January 1 Happy New Year!
Wednesday, January 3
Mid-week service, 7 p.m.

Saturday, January 6 @ 7:30 a.m. Men's Prayer Breakfast
Sunday, January 7 Choir and Orchestra Rehearsals Resume
Monday, January 8 HCS Resumes
Wednesday, January 10 Kids4Truth resumes, 7 p.m.
Thurs-Sat, January 25-27 CBC Teen Snow Camp
Sun-Fri, April 15-20 Special Meetings with Jerry Sivnkskty
Wed., Aug 29 - Wed., Sept 12 Aaron Coffey and Team @ CBC
A Christmas Hymn: Immanuel, God Dwells with Men
Holiday Sermon Series
This Sunday will conclude our holiday series on “The Blessings of the Branch.” We will return to Isaiah 11 to study the Branch who will return to change the very course of nature. In this brief series, we have studied
The Glory of the Branch (Zechariah 3:1-9)
The Root of Jesse (Romans 15:12-13)
A Root Out of Dry Ground (Isaiah 53:1-3)
Copyright © 2017 Calvary Baptist Church All rights reserved.

Calvary Baptist Church
2000 Broad Avenue, Findlay, OH 45840
e-mail: office@cbcfindlay.org

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