CBC Update:
Missions Conference, Haverst Offering & Upcoming Events

G L I M P S E S  of  C A L V A R Y 

Dear Calvary Family,
It’s harvest time! Can you feel it in the air? We’ve seen “the harvest moon” and watched the farmers collecting the fruits of their labors. As we prepare for our missions conference, it is the time for our annual Harvest Offering.
As the “firstfruits” are harvested, it reminds us of our very nature as believers. James 1:17-18 reminds us about this great work of “the Father of lights” when it explains: Of His own will begat He us with the Word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.” We were born anew by the Word and now we are the “firstfruits;” our new lives are the first indication of what will come to be: the new heaven and the new earth.
So, in gratitude to the Lord, we say with Psalm 103:2, Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” This year, the Harvest Offering will be divided in the following manner:
  1. The first $4,000 will be divided equally among our supported missionaries and mission organizations.
  2. The second $4,000 will be applied to the purchase of vision testing equipment for an evangelistic outreach in the jungles of Peru. This work is being carried out by our missionaries Buddy and Loren Fitzgerald. We explained this project in a recent edition of the Glimpses of Calvary newsletter. Our Heritage Christian School seniors are planning to take a Senior trip / missions trip to help the Fitzgeralds in May.
  3. Any amount above $8,000 will be divided equally among our supported missionaries and mission organizations.
We would like to collect this Harvest Offering by our Church Anniversary on Sunday, November 12. Would you pray about what the Lord would have you to give toward this offering? You may give to this project during any regular offering at Calvary; please designate your gift to “Harvest Offering.”
                                                                                    Pastor Dickson
Missions Conference
Sunday 9:30 a.m.
The keynote message for the conference will be delivered by Rev. Mark Perry during the 9:30 a.m. service on Sunday, October 29. As we approach the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Romans 1:5 is a clarion call for us today.
Sunday 11 a.m.
During the Sunday school hour, the schedule is as follows: Mark and Bekah Perry will be speaking to the teens. Debbie Milton will be speaking to a group of ladies classes in the Ironside Room. Christy Angeles will be speaking to another group of ladies in lower B. Rev. Fernando Angeles will be speaking to the men in Spurgeon Hall. Brother Angeles is brimming with good news about the upcoming presentation of the Tenek Bible translation. (Dr. Jan Milton will be arriving on Monday as he returns from a missions trip to Uganda.)
Sunday 6:00 p.m.
On Sunday evening, we will enjoy the ministry of Bibles International and their Bible translation work. Dr. Troy Manning will be greeting us (via Skype) and briefly explaining their work. We will watch an audio/visual presentation of a new translation launch in Myanmar. Then Fernando and Christy Angeles will share their testimonies about the recently completed translation of the Bible into the Tenek language.
Children’s Meetings
On Monday and Tuesday evenings, there will be special children’s meetings from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. in Upper B. On Wednesday evening we will have our regular Kids for Truth meeting.
If you would like to have one of these missionary couples over for a meal, please contact the church office. Some lunch and supper times are still available.
Upcoming Events
This Week - Missions Conference
November 2 - Sports Awards Night, 6:30 p.m.
November 4 - Men's Prayer Breakfast, 7:30 p.m.
November 6 - Parent-Teacher Conf. 3 - 7 p.m.
November 12 - Anniversary Sunday (Fellowship will follow combined Sunday school)
November 17 - BCSO Music Festival (Mansfield)
November 22 - HCS out at noon
November 23 - Happy Thanksgiving!!
December 17 - CBC Christmas Program (9:30 a.m.)
Fellowships from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
On Monday, the ladies will be meeting with Christy Angeles, Debbie Milton and Bekah Perry in Spurgeon Hall. The men will be meeting with Mark Perry and Fernando Angeles in the Ironside room. Please bring a dessert or finger food for refreshments to share in the Carey Room. These meetings will feature a brief challenge, a Q/A time and fellowship. This is a great time to get to know these missionaries personally.
Fellowships from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
The Angeles will need to depart from the conference early, due to the recent finalization of their adoption plans. We have been praying about this adoption for many years, and we are so glad to see this answer to prayer.  So, on Tuesday evening, we will conduct a “working meeting” in Spurgeon Hall dedicated to planning future mission trips. Even if you are not able to join a future mission team, we think you will enjoy learning how to pray and plan for these trips. The governor of the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi has expressed great appreciation for the new Tenek Bible translation. This translation will be presented in a number of villages this December. Brother Angeles is enthusiastic about the possibility of future missions trips to help them in their work among the Tenek. So on Tuesday evening, we would like to invite you to a working meeting to discuss the possibility of future mission trips to that area. We will also discuss such a trip with the Perrys who will be laboring in the high desert of Chile.
Dr. Jan Milton will guide us in how to plan for these mission trips. These discussions (during past missions conferences) have resulted in our church mission trips to Grenada and Peru. We are excited to see what the Lord could do through our congregation to help these missionaries as well. Please bring a snack to share that evening, as part of the fellowship.
Service from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
On Wednesday evening, the children will meet in their regular Kids for Truth meeting. The adults will meet in the auditorium to hear a message and testimonies from the Miltons and the Perrys at the close of our conference.
Mid-week Bible Study
On Wednesday evenings, our adults are studying A Guide to Prayer by Isaac Watts. Last Wednesday evening, we looked at the section on “Professing or Self-Dedication” in prayer. An example of this would be the prayer in Psalm 116:16: “O LORD, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds.” This practical book on prayer is available in our bookstore for $3.00. It is also available online as a free download.
Copyright © 2017 Calvary Baptist Church All rights reserved.

Calvary Baptist Church
2000 Broad Avenue, Findlay, OH 45840
e-mail: office@cbcfindlay.org

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