This is part of “A Season of Prevailing Prayer.”


With a Full Heart

What would the Lord say to you, if He were to speak to you personally?

We know that God speaks to us through His Word. He “speaks peace” to His people (Psalm 85:8). His gives us “the Word of His Grace” (Acts 20:32) which is able to build us up and to give us an eternal inheritance. The words that He gives to us are “spirit and life” (John 6:63), and through them He gives us life! His Words are amazing and transforming.

But, the question is, if the Lord were to address you personally, what would He say?pray_1 There are a few passages in the Scripture that answer this question for us. One of them is found in Psalm 62. This is a psalm of David and was designed to be set to music for singing. It calls God’s people to worship together. Imagine the joy of hearing this psalm sung by a choir, or singing it together as a congregation!

The eighth verse in this psalm includes a direct address: “Oh people,” or “Ye people.” It is personal; “people” are being personally addressed. When we read this, we know that the Holy Spirit is calling to us, through these words of David. For the original hearers, these words called them to worship in Jerusalem, the city of peace. Today, these words are a personal invitation for us to worship Him in “spirit and in truth” (John 4:24), throughout the world.

Trust in him at all times; ye people,

Pour out your heart before him:

God is a refuge for us. Selah. (Psalm 62:8)


As we come to this season of prevailing prayer, we begin with the Lord’s direct address to us as “people.” He is inviting us to “trust in Him.” He summons us to place our faith in Him.

This verse catches our attention because of its universal appeal: “at all times.” This means the best of times and the worst of times. In the seasons of delight and despair, we should trust in Him. Frolicking in our greatest joys, or cringing under our darkest fears, we can trust Him, “at all times.” It is through faith that Christ dwells in our hearts (Ephesians 3:17). We pity poor Felix who heard of faith in Christ, but chose greed over trust (Acts 24:24-26). The right thing to do, “at all times,” is to “trust in Him.”

“the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends. . .”

Those whose hearts are full — that would be all of us – find hope here. Our hearts are full: full of questions, full of sorrows and sometimes full of pain. Now they are full of joy, but soon they may be saturated with despair. In times past, they seemed ready to burst with blessing, but now they seem to slosh with sensuality. But whether fear reigns like an evil tyrant, or faith fills us with courage, the Lord commands us: “Pour out your heart before Him!”

You will find that there is yet more to pour. . .

Pour out your heart in adoration! You will find that there is yet more to pour, like the widow of Zarephath (I Kings 17). Praise Him with an overflowing, grateful heart. But what if your heart is full of sin?heart

Pour out your heart in confession, like David in Psalm 51! When you empty out this wickedness before Him, you will feel the hope and help that only He can give you. There is forgiveness with Him that He may be feared (Psalm 130:4); He has provided the way for your heart to be cleansed and to rejoice in Him.

Do you come with a heart full of fear? “Pour out your heart before Him,” and you will find faith that fills you with boldness.

Are you full of frustration? Pour out your heart like Job, and discover the meaning of Job 42:10, “the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends. . .”

“God is a refuge for us.”

When you approach the Lord as He has commanded, you will find that“God is a refuge for us.” This is a peaceful reminder of how secure we are in the arms of our Shepherd. He is our “high tower,” our place of rest.

If we are to follow the guidance of our Shepherd, we must pour out our whole being before Him. Until we have done so, we have not offered up the excellent prayer that He has commanded. Prayer is not beautiful or eloquent words. It is the attitude and expression of your whole being to God.

The right thing to do, “at all times,” is to “trust in Him.”

During this season of prevailing prayer, learn to “trust Him at all times;” obey His command to “pour out your heart before Him.” With all the saints of all the ages, you will find that “God is a refuge for us.