One of our mission teams from Calvary Baptist Church is serving at The Wilds of New England this week, building a fence to assist in the ministry there.

Click here for more pictures from our trip.

Recent updates from CBC missions trips

Friday Mid-day update: The new fence is completed (and landscaped!)

Thursday afternoon update: The fence is now complete. Gates are going up tomorrow!


Thursday mid-day update: The work is progressing quickly


Thursday morning update: The posts are all in. Today, the team will be mounting the fence boards on the posts. Landscaping is a possibility as well.


Will proves that man is superior to machine!

Update: As of Wednesday evening, the team has placed all of the posts, and plans to place the boards on the fence tomorrow.

Update: As of Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m., the team had placed 18 fence posts.




Update: As of 3 p.m. Tuesday, the team reports that they have placed 12 of the 20 posts necessary for the project. They have hit some rock, but so far, they have been able to get the posts into the ground in all the right places. We will post updates and pictures as they become available.

This summer, members of Calvary Baptist Church will be taking missions trips to Bangladesh, India, the Philippines, China, Arizona and New Hampshire. Please pray for our teams.