Saturday Afternoon Update:

Our fast ferry was canceled due to weather. We are staying overnight in Jagna (pronounced Hagna) and hoping to catch the fast ferry tomorrow. Pray for good weather so we can get there tomorrow. Also pray that we can find rooms here.

Saturday Late Afternoon Update:
Hello, it is 3:20 in the afternoon on Saturday; our team is waiting in Jagna,

Working at "putting teeth" into their presentations

Bohol for a ferry to take us to CDO. Having a fast boat ferry was our first option, and our tickets were purchased, but the weather is not favorable. We will move to a hotel for the evening; please pray that ferries will run tomorrow. Even though the four hour ride sounds more pleasant, God has a reason for changing this. Regardless if we have a four hour or eleven hour boat ride on Sunday, please pray for the following:
1. That all would remain free from seasickness
2. Personal refreshment in Gods Word and prayer for all
3. Take any divine appointments Gods gives us to witness while on the ferry.

This week, our CBC team had 126 teaching opportunities with a total of 5,470 students and teachers listening to the gospel. Everyone agrees that this week in Bohol flew by!! There were many stretching experiences for each of us and we can’t wait to share with you the many personal stories of how God worked. Here’s a quick word from each team member.



Even though the ferry ride has been canceled (which I’m fine with), we still all have happy spirits and are willing to wait for one more day. Please pray especially for whenever we do take the trip over the ocean because it was cancelled due to bad weather…go figure…it’s not like it’s typhoon season or anything! — Abby



I have loved the Philippines. This past week has been one of the blessed week of my life. Just being able to see kids faces light up when they truly understand the Gospel. It is also amazing to see the Holy Spirit work everywhere around us, I can’t wait to see what God has in store for next week. –Dillon



I’m thrilled that I had the chance to come on this trip. Being in the classroom and telling the students to take God at His Word when He says “confess your sins and He is faithful to forgive” and give you a home in heaven has given me a new zeal to obey Him with verses like ‘he who loses his life for My sake shall find it.” Thankful for that refresh. — Anna



This is Sarah 🙂 the past week has been life changing. Too much to tell in a short paragraph. God is so much more powerful and loving than I gave him credit for. I love these Philippine kids! He is doing such a great work here and I’m so excited to be a part of it! –Sarah



God is amazing. Seeing Him work here is the most amazing experience I have ever had. I will definitely never look at life the same way again. Pastor Mike’s theme is blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape, and we have had a lot of opportunities to be flexible 🙂 thank u all for ur prayers! –Sam



I knew this would be an amazing opportunity. That was an understatement. I have never in all of my 62 years experienced anything this satisfying. My spirit soars when I stand before the students and when I see acknowledgment of Truth on their faces, well, words fail me. We have a hiccup in travel plans to CDO, but God has given a clean cool room while we wait for the Lord to change a turbulent water into a more calm — Linda & Ron


What caused the delay?

<<Philippines Team in Bohol, 1

<<Philippines Team in Bohol, 2

<<Philippines Team in Bohol, 3

<<Philippines Team in Bohol, 4

<<Philippines Team in Bohol, 5

<Philippines Team in Bohol, 6

<Philippines Team Prepares to Travel Again

Weather Delay: Let’s Talk

This summer, members of Calvary Baptist Church will be taking missions trips to share the Gospel, the Good News of Christ in Bangladesh, India, the Philippines, China, Arizona and New Hampshire. Please pray for our teams.

Click here for news from all our teams



The One Who Stills Our Storms