“His Name Shall Be Great Among the Nations”

(Malachi 1:11)

The theme for our upcoming missions conference is based on Malachi 1:11. Our speakers, Mark and Bekah Perry, Troy and Oksana Manning, and Jeremy and Caroline Dion will be with us on Sunday through Wednesday, October 30 – November 2.

Mark and Bekah Perry, missionary appointees to Antofagasta, Chile, serve with Gospel Mission of South Ameperrysrica. Their burden is to help a church planting team in Grande Norte. You can learn more about their
ministry here.

Troy and Oksana Manning serve with Bibles International as translators. Dr. Manning serves as the chief language consultant for Bibles International. You canlearn more about the Mannings’ ministry at here.mannings

Jeremy and Caroline Dion are missionary appointees to Kiari, Papua New Guinea who serve with Gospel Fellowship Association. You can learn more about their upcoming ministry at here.

These missionaries will be ministering todion us in our Sunday services, in smaller group fellowships on Monday and Tuesday evenings, and in our regular Wednesday evening service. On Monday evening at 7 p.m., we will have informal fellowships with our Sunday school classes. On Tuesday evening at 7 p.m., we will have a Ladies’ meeting and a Men’s meeting. We hope this format will allow you to get to know these missionaries better. Mr. Brad Wiggs is planning a children’s ministry for Sunday evening through Wednesday evening. A nursery will be available during all of these meetings. Rev. Dan Hicks will also be speaking on Sunday evening, November 6 to present a ministry in Fostoria, Ohio.