Here at Calvary, we have been searching for ways to put Biblical prophecies to work in our daily living. Under the theme, “Wait for It” (from Habakkuk 2:3), we have been looking for answers to a basic question:

Since Biblical prophecy is true, what should we do?

You can listen to the messages in this series by clicking here.

Daniel chapter 9 contains four verses that have been called, “the crown jewels of Old Testament prophecy.” They contain the golden keys that unlock so many other prophetic passages. But in this “Wait for It” series we have concentrated on practical applications of these prophecies. Seasons of Prevailing Prayer

What did Daniel do when he understood Biblical prophecies? He offered up fervent prayer and praise to God in seasons of prevailing prayer.

There are four seasons of prevailing prayer recorded in the book of Daniel. In the first two, his life was in danger. In the second two, he cried out for understanding of Biblical prophecies.

It is in that same spirit that we enter into a special week of prayer for Sunday through Sunday, April 2-9. We have prepared a devotional guide for the week based on the prayer in Daniel chapter 9. This guide is entitled, “Seasons of Prevailing Prayer.” Click here to download your copy.

Here is a quick overview of Daniel chapters 9 through 12. This shows us the value of using Biblical prophecies as powerful fuel for faithful prayer.

Overview of Daniel 9-12

9:2 The Prophecy of 70 years of captivity (Jeremiah 29:10)

9:3-20 A Season of Prevailing Prayer (see prayer booklet)

9:21-27 The Prophecy of the 70 “weeks” (490 years)

10:2-3, 11-12 A Season of Prevailing Prayer

Chapters 11-12 Prophecies about earthly kingdoms and eternal destinies