Here is a new hymn that we have been singing at Calvary, to try to capture the joy of the meaning of our great privileges as adopted children of God.

Try singing this to the tune of “I Sing the Mighty Power of God.” We’ve listed the Biblical references used to write this so that you can study these passages as you read it.


Gordon and Harriet Dickson


A Hymn of Adoption

Galatians 4:4-7; Ephesians 1:3-14,
Romans 8:14-17; 23-26, Hebrews 2:11


1. The time of fullness marked the day,
When God sent forth His Son.
Of woman born, and under law,
Redemption’s time had come,
Reversing that old curse for us,
Adopting us in love,
The blessing of the Trinity,
Free Grace, from heav’n above


2. Joint-heirs with Christ, and Spirit-led
We praise the Trinity
For “Abba, Father!” now we cry
We’re in God’s family
And Jesus calls us “brothers” now
Our fears are put away.
The Spirit of Adoption’s help
Will guide us in the way


3. Predestined blessings, we enjoy,
According to His will,
Adopted sons, because His work,
His promises fulfill
We stand before Him now in love,
As holy, without blame,
Accepted in God’s own Beloved
Forever in His Name

4. We’ve heard the Gospel Word of Truth,
Believing by His Grace:
In His own precious promises,
For our accursed race.
The Promised Spirit seals us now
For greater blessings still
God gives us an inheritance
The Living Father’s will


5. The mystery of His good will:
To gather all in Christ,
For in the fullness of the times
He paid redemption’s price
As blood-bought sons, we now enjoy
Forgiveness of our sins,
Adoption, and inheritance,
Which Christ’s great work begins


6. Adopted sons, we groan within.
God’s Spirit will abide.
Our bodies will soon be redeemed
They will be glorified
We wait with hope and patience still;
The Spirit helps us pray,
By helping in our weaknesses,
And guiding us today


7. The Father calls us children now
Behold! Amazing Love
Beloved children now we are
But looking up above
What we shall be has not appeared
We know that we are His
But we will be like Christ because
We’ll see Him as He is

– Gordon A. Dickson, Dec. 20, 2012

Tunes: I Sing the Mighty Power of God
The Son of God Goes Forth to War
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear