Who Will End the Violence?

Who Will End the Violence? Isaiah 9:4-6 These days, our headlines are full of violence. There have been a number of news items about domestic strife and race-based violence. On the international scene, we read of ongoing brutality by Islamic terrorists. The question...

The Greatest Escape

Do you ever wish that you could escape from all your troubles? In Psalm 55, David expressed his wish for the wings of a dove so that he could fly away (v.6-7). On that occasion, the terrors of death possessed David’s fearful, trembling heart (vs. 4-5). In anguish of...

When Your Spirit Is Deeply Troubled

Taking Hold of God When Your Spirit is Deeply Troubled 1 Samuel 1:1-2:2 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore. (1 Samuel 1:10) Listen to the audio message here. How will you confront those bitter feelings that arise from personal...