Recent updates from CBC missions trips

Our Calvary Baptist Church Grandview Mission Team is on the way. They left Findlay at 5:30 am.

The team boarded their flight in Detroit on time and they are on their way.


Saturday afternoon update:

The team has landed in Aluquerque, NM and is getting ready to get the rental car for the drive to Grandview Christian Camp.

6:45 EDT Update:

The Grandview Team is just about 15 minutes away from camp.


Saturday Evening Update: First Impressions From Grandview
Wow! We have been studying God’s providence in Sunday school. It is obvious to see at the camp. Last year there was a 700,000 acre forest fire on the New Mexico/Arizona border. The smoke was so strong 200 miles away in Albuquerque that some people had to evacuate. The amazing thing is that there are charred trees all over the camp, some within ten yards of most buildings. All of the buildings should have been destroyed, but only one old building was destroyed. It is now the new location of the multi-purpose building that we are working on.
Most of the wood for construction comes from Ponderosa pines on the campsite. The camp owns a large saw formerly used in a saw mill. Because so many trees were charred, the local sawmill could not keep up with demand and asked to borrow the camp’s saw. In exchange they are sawing all of the wood used in the construction of the camp, saving the camp valuable time.

If you have ever seen the old Bonanza television program, that is what the camp looks like. There are thousands of Ponderosa pines on the property. The camp is at an elevation of 8200 feet. We were told that it will take us to Wednesday to get adjusted to this elevation. Tonight’s temperature is in the 50’s. Glorious sleeping weather!

Sunday Update:

We had our own 5th Sunday fellowship with Mountain Pines Baptist Church.


Views from the construction site

at Grandview Christian Camp




True Story: Kidnapped