Prayerless Adultery

  Would you be surprised if you were called “an adulterer?” These piercing words in James 4 were designed to shock us: “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the...

The Greatest Escape

Do you ever wish that you could escape from all your troubles? In Psalm 55, David expressed his wish for the wings of a dove so that he could fly away (v.6-7). On that occasion, the terrors of death possessed David’s fearful, trembling heart (vs. 4-5). In anguish of...

What If The Lord Told You Not To Pray?

  The Test for a Prayer Warrior How would you respond if God told you to leave Him alone and stop praying? Seriously, if you knew that the Lord had said this, would you do it? Your first thought might be, “but I need His blessing, so I will keep praying.” So,...