Spirit-filled Marriage, Part 4

Do you want to have a really great marriage?

You’re probably thinking, “I’m trying!”

But what if that is part of the problem? Instead of “trying,” the Lord speaks of “trusting” Him and letting Him live His life through you.

Why is a “Spirit-filled Marriage” so important? It’s because self-sufficiency makes lousy spouses. If you are trying to be a God-honoring spouse in your own strength, you will be miserable, and you will fail.

In order to be “Spirit-filled,” it is helpful to understand the prayer of Ephesians 3 ( to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man). In this message, we will also look at Peter’s pen strokes (1 Peter 2 and 3), to draw a picture of Jesus Christ and His church.

If you are really struggling today, may we encourage you to “breathe in what God has breathed out” and know the strength that only the Lord can give.

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