Spirit-filled Marriage, Part 5

Ephesians 5:22-27

Making a Majestic Marriage, Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine_heartsWhich one would you want your marriage to be? Full of deep affection or destructive accusation? Genesis 2 or Genesis 3? Shepherd or serpent?

In a Spirit-filled Marriage, the wife honors God by giving respect to her husband. 22-24

She honors Christ’s authority by “arranging herself under” her husband. 22-23

She represents the church in its submission to Christ. 24

How bad can it get? Adam & Eve; Isaac & Rebekah Genesis 2:21-25; 3:12; 25:27-28

In a Spirit-filled Marriage, the husband honors God by loving his wife and giving himself for her. 25-27

He honors Christ, with a self-sacrificial desire for his wife– giving himself for her. 25

He represents Christ by using the Word to

purify problem areas and perfect holiness. 26-27

  • Practical Steps

  • Put God’s Word back into your garden at home & church

  • Take the change challenge: put off, renew, put on

  • Wife: Trust God enough to submit to your husband

  • Husband: Love the Lord enough to love your wife

  • Ask the Lord to turn you from misery to majesty

Additional Study: Ephesians 3:14-2; 5:18-19, 1 Peter 3:6-7, Genesis 2:21-25; 3:12; 25:27-28; 27:1-6, 41-46

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