The Shepherds’ Joy in Bethlehem


Who has believed our true report?

The Lord alone can tell

But Doctor Luke wrote down our words

About “Immanuel.”

Out in the dark, we watched our sheep

(for wolves are sure to lurk

when ewes are giving birth alone)

So shepherds watch and work


Then late one night the angel came

And we were filled with fear

For that dark night then flamed with light!

A vision bright and clear

The glory of the Lord we saw!

We trembled at the sight

But what the angel said to us

Filled us with joy that night

“Great joy! Good news for every man

For unto you is born

A Savior who is Christ the Lord

With glory now adorned

In David’s city, see His sign

There in a manger laid

The baby tightly wrapped in cloth

For you He is displayed”

Then all the sky with angels filled

Adoring God Most High

“All praise to God with peace, good will”

We heard the angels cry

We ran to Bethlehem to find

That stable and that sign

And we found Him! And we praised Godshepherds

With one heart and one mind

But who believed our true report?

Not many, but a few

Some laughed and scorned, but others watched

To see what God would do

Our rabbi frowned when first he heard

But wisely searched his scrolls

To see if there was any truth

Behind the tale we told

And Bethlehem was in the Book!

In Micah, hopes increase

The King! Yes! Born in Bethlehem

“This man shall be the peace.”

For many months, we talked of this

About Messiah’s fame

And not much happened ‘til that day

Those eastern wise men came.wise men

Jerusalem was troubled then!

King Herod in a rage!

He heard about our Jewish king

And asked about His age

And then his brutal soldiers came.

They killed our babies there.

Our little town was torn apart

With grief and great despair.

For thirty years we grieved for them

We thought our king had died

And every year on the dark day

The mothers mourned and cried

When we heard that name, “Jesus” then

We thought about that day

We thought about our little king

With grief and great dismay

We heard about His kingly words

His miracles, His signs

The way He taught our people there

About God’s great designs

To save His people from their sin

Eternal life! Be born again

In spirit and in truth to pray

And hope again for God’s great day

But our own leaders turned on Him

— Then soldiers came again —

And nailed Him on a Roman cross

Who gave so much to men


Our own dark day in Bethlehem

Was painful in our mind

But now with Jesus’ death we thought

His light no longer shined

But then we heard such news for men

He, who died, rose again!

And preachers taught us that this king

Was born in Bethlehem!

by Gordon A. Dickson 12/23/15