We encourage you to read Psalm 124, and use this great Psalm to prayer. It is a great comfort in these days. Then, try singing this adaptation to the tune of the well known Thanksgiving hymn, “Now Thank We All Our God.”

Without God on our Side

Psalm 124

to the tune of “Now Thank We All Our God”

Without God on our side, (say all the people with us)

Without God on our side, the floods would have engulfed us.

For angry men rose up and like a swelling tide

They would have swallowed us, but God was on our side.

Thanksgiving1. . . . .

We praise and bless the Lord, our Wonderful Defender

Who kept us from the snare, from being torn asunder

For they would tear our flesh and swallow us alive

But God protected us in Him we live and thrive.

. . . . .


Now thank we all our God, the Lord Christ, our Creator

Who made the heav’n and earth and came as our Redeemer

He still defends today, our blessed Lord and Guide

Now let the people say, “The Lord is on our side.”

Adapted from Psalm 124 by Gordon Dickson